In 1974 the government introduced the Health & Safety Act making companies responsible for the health and safety of their employees. This includes driving for work. Then in 2008 they added the Corporal Manslaughter Act.
Company Directors and the driver will be held responsible if they are involved in any serious road traffic accident resulting in serious injury or death and that the company driver is proved to be the cause. The most serious charge being 'Corporal Manslaughter'.
The effects of such a charge could be disasterous for the company:
serious financial strains
damage to the company's reputation
loss of jobs
loss of business
resulting in the possible closure of the company
Companies are required by law to demonstrate that they have a good Health & Safety Policy in the workplace. They must carry out regular Risk Assessments and show that necessary action has been taken to reduce these risks.
DRIVING is a major daily risk. All drivers should be assessed by a professional trainer, to identify any 'high' risk drivers in a company. Then further training can be offered to help reduce the risks.
Fleet Training - why bother?
Corporal Manslaughter Act 2008

Eco Safe Driving - Reduce Fuel Costs by up to 20%
It has been proven again and again that eco safe driver training reduces the drivers annual fuel consumption between 10 and 30%. This could be a saving of thousands of pounds!
Reduce Insurance Costs and Vehicle damage repairs
Safe drivers also reduce the costs of annual vehicle damage repairs. Vehicle insurance will be reduced as a result of less claims and indeed fewer excesses to be paid.
Half Days and Full Days including risk assessment and driver training can be arranged on 1:1 and 2:1 driver to trainer ratio
Please contact for prices which are dependent on requirements.
I no longer do fleet training myself but can pass enquiry onto my colleagues who do.
Assessment & Training Fees